Monday, June 2, 2014

Traditional Lamb-Stew

We got 1/2 kg lamb from Giant last weekend and immediately thought of making lamb-stew. Hubby searched around online for several recipes but they seemed to be too time-consuming or they call for ingredients (such as Pecorino cheese)  I do not have. After much thought, he decided to cook his own version of lamb stew.

Here's the recipe. Enjoy!

1/2 kg lamb - cut into bite pieces
2 large white onions (chopped in medium-sized cubes)
2 medium-sized potatoes (cubed)
1 medium-sized carrot (cubed)
1 medium-sized tomato (cubed)
1 tbsp concentrated tomato puree
100 ml (or more) red wine
200 ml beef stock (if you prefer saltier taste add more)
50 ml balsamic vinegar
1 pc bay leaf
1 big slice of German ham (bought from Tesco)
Rosemary and Herbes the Provence (bought from Tesco) - all to taste
Salt and black pepper - to taste
Parsley for garnishing (fresh or bottled)

1. Heat the pan and pour in olive oil (about 2 tbsp). Fry German ham until crisp. Set aside.
2. Using the leftover oil, add in onions and saute until onions are soft and slightly burned.
3. Now, add in the lamb cutlets and continue to fry them until the meat turns brown. Add more oil if needed.
4. Add in beef stock and continue stirring until lamb is evenly cooked.
5. Add in balsamic vinegar, stir the mixture then pour in red wine and continue stirring.
6. Tear the ham into slices and put them into them mixture. Keep stirring.
7. Add potatoes and carrots into the stew and mix evenly. Add in tomato and tomato puree.
** From steps 4-7 you may add more water if the stew is too dry
8. Let the stew simmer on low fire and stir occasionally for 1 hour.
9. Along the way, add in bay leaf, rosemary and Herbes the Provence, salt and black pepper.
**The secret of good stews are to continue tasting them once in a while to see how much salt/pepper/herbs to add according to your liking. Also keeping stews overnight will bring out the flavours when you consume them the following day.
10. Once the vegetables are soft and meat tender, serve with bread/pasta and garnish with parsley.

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