Saturday, June 4, 2011


I hate ticks!I hate ticks!I hate ticks!I hate ticks!I hate ticks!I hate ticks!
About two weeks ago, hubby noticed one or two ticks on Brownie, and we thought "Oh well, one or two only, nevermindlah". Then the day before hubby left for camp, he mentioned again that he found more ticks on Brownie, and had bathe him with tick shampoo the last few days. So I thought, small issue.
And when  I came home yesterday (hubby left for camp in the morning), and at night, me, mom and Eve pulled out around 8 ticks. Boy..I was super stressed...even prayed to God so that He can protect Brownie from ticks.
This morning, I found 10 ticks on him...and when I came back from SP more ticks..
I have purchased is said to be effective in  killing fleas and ticks. Really hope this works...

Just a pic, the one I got was FRONTLINE COMBO SPOT-ON for 1-10kg dogs

Sad cos can't hug Brownie..cos he has ticks all over, even in his ears...

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry, his ticks are almost all gone now...only occasionally found 1/2 ticks...but a huge improvement.
